Ephraim, Utah. Research Day 1 (July 10).
This summer Phil Blecher and Bill Thomas will both be tackling separate problems in the Eocene Green River Formation of central Utah. They both arrived in Ephraim, which is a small town in the Sanpete Valley that is nestled between the Wasatch Plateau to the east and the Gunnison Plateau (San Pitch Mountains) to the west. Within hours, they took a field trip from Ephraim (elevation 5,560 ft) up to the top of the Wasatch Plateau (elevation >10,000 ft) with some students from the Ohio State field camp. At this time of year, the top of the Wasatch Plateau along “Skyline Drive” still has snow along the roadside, so it is a good way to get out of the heat of the valley for a few hours.