BLONDUOS, ICELAND – Meagen and guest blogger, Travis
We returned to Vatnsdalfjall for the second day of field work on the Monocline. The weather was the best we’ve experienced in Iceland yet.
After a long hike through fields of sadness (so named by a previous IS student), we finally made it to our first exposure. We found lots of interesting amygdules (filled vesicles):
We sampled and made observations all of the way to the top of the Monocline. We were quite pleased with ourselves when we made it to the top, and slightly surprised to see that it was already 8 pm! In the land of the midnight sun, field work could last for 24 hours a day.
After such a hard day of work, we relaxed in the evening and made plans to visit Akureyri the next day.
Quite the grin on Travis’s face!
I hope your hammering hasn’t made the hidden Icelandic elves angry!