Tag Archives: Moscow

From the Russian wilderness to the big city!

Guest Blogger: Sarah Frederick (’15) Arriving in Moscow was a sharp return to reality. Suddenly all of the things that had come to feel normal while we were in Kamchatka – the winding gravel roads and little towns with random … Continue reading

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The Miracle of Wireless

Somehow I stumbled upon a wireless connection in my Moscow hotel room this morning. I shall post quickly before it vanishes. It disappears now and then, but I’ve thus far been able to retrieve it. First, a couple of images … Continue reading

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Wooster Geologist in Russia

My first day in Russia.  I’m in Moscow hotel lobby with only this cranky connection to the Internet, but I’m here.  Tomorrow I leave with my colleague Andrei Dronov for work in the St. Petersburg region on the Lower Ordovician. … Continue reading

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