Tag Archives: environmental geology

Buggin’ Out at Apple Creek

  Guest Bloggers: Evie Sanford and Peter Rothstein – On June 11, the 2024 Scovel Summer Research Team visited Apple Creek with Trout Unlimited to analyze the water quality through a macroinvertebrate survey. This study was performed because macroinvertebrates are … Continue reading

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Making Intellectual Connections: An education steeped in liberal arts forms excellent preparation for an environmental career

Dr. Wilson suggested I contribute to the blog following my February 2019 presentation on Environmental Challenges Facing the Department of Defense.  So I have worked up the following missive.  If the audience, especially students and recent graduates, find it of … Continue reading

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Sunday Morning in the Killbuck Valley

The discussion and investigation was intense at the North Wellfield where cornfield soils were examined.

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