MITZPE RAMON, ISRAEL — Wooster geologists this summer have been working hard with boundaries of the geological kind: horizontal surfaces in rock sequences that mark dramatic events in Earth history. Our favorite has been the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, but we are also concerned with the boundaries between rock units such as formations and members. In fact, we only know where we are in the geological record when we find a boundary and position ourselves above or below it.
Today we met a different kind of boundary, one as dramatic as we’ve seen in rock in its own way. Pictured below is the Israel-Egypt border north of the Israeli city of Eilat. It certainly gives us direct information on our position in the political world.
Mark, looks like you’re not in Mississippi anymore! There were actually guards manning gaurd posts at the Mississippi border as you entered from Alabama, but they were well camouflaged. 🙂 Have fun!
You took the border road. I wonder if it is the same border patrol man. I somehow doubt it.
Hi George! It was a different border experience way Down South.
Hi Elyssa! The very same road you and I took. It was closed for awhile, but now open with checkpoints.