Daily Archives: July 17, 2024

And sometimes it rains.

Today I took Peter, Lauren and Evie on another afternoon local field trip, this time to Wooster Memorial Park (Spangler). We wanted to repeat the enjoyable exploration we had last week in Lodi Community Park. This time, though, we got … Continue reading

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Klawock to Ketchikan

Guest bloggers: Amanda Flory and Mihalis Protopapadakis Carnivorous sundews found in Balls Lake muskegs. On our last full day at Prince of Wales Island, we explored the trail around Balls Lake, in Tongass National Forest. The AYS team helped us … Continue reading

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54 cm Core from Brown’s Lake Bog Reveals …

Guest Bloggers: Evie Sanford and Peter Rothstein Summer diatom research continues at The College of Wooster. Building on last summer’s work by Garret Robertson, Minnie Pozefsky and Dr. Mark Wilson, as well as that of other previous IS students Justine … Continue reading

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