Coring Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in Wooster Memorial Park (aka Spangler)

Wooster Memorial Park has been a great resource for The College of Wooster Earth Sciences (ESCI), Biology among others. Here the ESCI course in Paleoclimate, under permit from the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park, sampled 20 second growth Eastern Hemlock with the aim of determining the climate response of the species in the Park. A recent publication by the Wooster Tree Ring Lab incorporated results from past sampling in the park that was concerned with the changing climate response of white oak trees. This oak study can be found here Wiles et al., 2025.

Lidar Map of Wooster Memorial Park – the green field in the west of the park is the approximate location of tree-ring sampling.


The class took advantage of a spectacular day for the sampling.

Nick demonstrating the coring technique using an increment borer.

Another perfect core, once trained, the five groups went into sampling mode.

For most of the group, this was their first experience coring and it was clear some were naturals at the technique.

First-ever core reveal photo – a proud dendrochronologist.

Another first.

Coring for the first time.

Coring and at the same time keeping a sharp eye out for wildlife.

A first – ever core safely archived in a reusable plastic straw.

Even the TA was caught working in this photo.

Deep in the hemlock forest – group three assesses another hemlock.

On the cliff’s edge tree workers and tourists confer.

Another core reveal photo.

Here five sizeable hemlocks lie in a row – blown down by the summer storm of 2022.

All the root throw from hundreds of downed trees is significantly changing the sediment budget in the tributaries.

From the storms and trees killed by the emerald ash borer there is plenty of wood for log jams.

A portion of the park was used for raising shade trees back in the day. Here is one of the shade trees that remains.

Reflecting on the completed coring and anxious to get to the lab work.

One of the many, diverse rocks in Rathburn Run. Special thanks to the Friends of Wooster Memorial Park and the City of Wooster for maintaining the park and allowing us to sample there.

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Browns Lake Bog Revisited – PACLIM25

PACLIM25 class Spring 2025.

These 6 meters of mud record the transitions from the end of the last ice age (~15,000 years) through ~4,2000 years. Description of the core is the first step.

Paleoclimate 2025 (PACLIM25) is a class in the Department of Earth Sciences at The College of Wooster. A goal of the course is to learn about past climates, their relevance to future climates, and to have the class contribute to the study of past climates. One of the key sites of environmental change in North America is the sediment record from the past 15,000 years at Browns Lake Bog, Wayne Count, Ohio. This long-studied site (Lutz et al., 2007; Glover et al, 2011) has revealed the presence of abrupt climate changes (ACCs) including the Younger Dryas and the 8.2 ka event.

The core worked on this semester was taken in 2021 through collaboration of Wooster and the University of Cincinnati (UC).

The successful coring of these records is largely the result of the experience and skill of Dr. T.V. Lowell (UC) who has developed, built and perfected techniques and equipment to recover lake record around the globe. Dr. Lowell met with the class this semester to field questions about our findings giving us insights based on decades of his work on ACCs in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

The magnetics team measured the susceptibility of the core, which is a measure of grain size and magnetic minerals (results below).


Magnetic susceptibility – the high values in the 600-800 cm range is the transition from the Ice Age. The spike at 400 cm is consistent with the 8.2 ka event, but also occurs at a break in the core.

We will start at the base of the section – from previous cores and Wooster student theses, we know this is about 15,000 year old when the ice left this part of Ohio at the end of the Ice Age. You can see pebbles and blebs of coarse sands as the world warmed. This deep sediment is largely devoid of organics.

One of the data sources is smear slides examined under the microscope.

Examining diatoms, sponge spicules along with insect parts and mineral matter.


Dating is everything and here the group is sampling organic disseminated in the mud for C-14 dating.


A C-14 age (see below) places this “bright” layer – likely loess in time. This layer and the dating so far defines, in part, the Younger Dryas at Browns Lake.

Calibrated C-14 age obtained in 2021 – other ages are now submitted and results are pending to better define the timing of deposition of this layer.

Photographing the core is crucial as the colors of the core change as it dries. Thanks to the Wooster Chemistry Department, we are able to store the core in their walk in cooler “keeping it fresh”.

The group argues about the timing of the events – this is the Bolling-Allerod group.

Above the Younger Dryas is the relatively well documented 8.2 ka event (Lutz et al., 2007). The dating in this core is shown below. Note the A and B layers are bright and are, like the YD interpreted as loess in the core. The reason the 8.2 ka event is a double layer is unknown.

Dating of this section of the core yielded the calibrated date above consistent with the 8.2 ka event documented in our previous studies.

More photography and discussion of the sediments and their origin.

The next transition of note is the “Strange transition” layer dated to about 6,000 year ago (see below). This is the time when the Laurentide Icesheet is largely gone from North America and today’s (late Holocene) climate sets in. In this meter of sediment the group found a pebble and sand layers suggesting flooding into the lake basin consistent with this warm, wet and stormy interval.

Calibrated C-14 age at the “Strange Transition”.

Crucial to any successful lake core study is a positive attitude.


References (Wooster students, staff and faculty in bold):
Glover, K.C., Lowell, T.V., Wiles, G.C., Pair, D., Applegate, P., and Hajdas, I., 2011, Deglaciation, basin formation and post-glacial climate change from a regional network of sediment core sites in Ohio and eastern Indiana: Quaternary Research, v. 76, p. 401–410, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2011.06.004.

Lutz, B., Wiles, G., Lowell, T., and Michaels, J., 2007, The 8.2-ka abrupt climate change event in Brown’s Lake, northeast Ohio: Quaternary Research, v. 67, p. 292–296, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2006.08.007.




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Tree Ring Dating of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, South Point, Ohio

The Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church was established in 1849 and is Ohio’s first Black church and the only surviving antebellum Black church in the state of Ohio. The building is now being restored under the direction of Hardlines Design, Columbus Ohio. The Wooster Tree Ring Lab was contacted to help in the dating of the timbers in the church’s structure.

Charles Linthicum, Macedonia Trustee and Charissa Durst standing in front of the church in the summer of 2023 before the renovation began.

A scene also prior to renovation showing the interior of the church. The structure was moved and rebuild likely in the late 1800s so tree-ring dates on the timber may help to distinguish the portions of the structure that were original.

Renovation underway in February of 2025.

Nick Wiesenberg made a trip in February to the site to core the now-exposed beams during the renovation. Here Nick is sampling flood joists made from white Oak.

Nick points out the waney edge of this timber – the waney edge is the outer ring (bark year) and once assigned a calendar age indicates the calendar year the tree was cut.

Straps keep the walls of the church in tact as the restoration proceeds.

A historical marker and sign explain the history and the restoration of the Church. The work is funded, in part, by a Save America’s Treasures Grant from the Historic Preservation Fund administered by The National Park Service along with several other foundations and donors.


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Trip to Byrd Polar Ice Core Lab

The College of Wooster Paleoclimate Class was fortunate to visit, Dr. Lonnie Thompson, director and founder of the Byrd Polar Ice Core Lab during lab. Here Dr. Thompson give the class the rundown of all the “firsts” in tropical and ice core lab history. We are looking forward to viewing the relatively recent movie about Dr. Thompsons’ epic career – Canary

Dr. Thompson describes the core collections from the tropics and from higher latitudes and the findings that are relevant to ongoing climate changes of today and into the future. His core sites include high altitude ice caps and glaciers in Peru, Bolivia, Tanzania, New Guinea, Tibet and Alaska. The class will be using his data from Quelcaya in Peru as projects and labs. Published data from the ice core lab is freely available for download and use through the NCEI (National Center for Environmental Information) maintained by NOAA.

Ice coring in remote and logistically challenging field sites depends on the understanding the physics of ice and glaciers as well as the mechanical behavior of metals and other materials. The team has been able to rack up the records of “Firsts” through experience and collaboration.

For example, understanding the rheology of ice in vital. Like the Earth’s crust, glaciers have a brittle zone near the surface and a more ductile zone at depth. The temperature of the ice and its behavior is critical to designing and machining the drills that work to successfully recover these frozen archives.

One of the highlights of the trip is touring the freezer where the ice cores are archived. The temperature is maintained at -30F and the scientist work under these conditions.

Ice core shopping at -31F.

The group is blown away thinking about how an ice cores can reveal information about the variability of the monsoons on a variety of timescales.

Special thanks to Nick Wiesenberg for arranging the trip and for providing snacks. The Paleoclimate class is lucky to have such able logistical support. Dr. Thompson would agree that logistics is more than half the battle in a successful expedition.


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A new paper on a tiny cryptic trace fossil from the Silurian of Sweden and Estonia

One of my favorite trace fossils (fossils that record ancient behavior) is the ichnogenus Arachnostega. It was first formally described and named by Bertling in 1992, which is surprisingly recent for such a common fossil. This week my Estonian colleagues and I, led by Olev Vinn (University of Tartu) have a new paper showing it may be an indicator of ancient climate change (Vinn et al., 2025).

The taphonomy (preservation process) of Arachnostega is unusual. The top image on this page from Figure 2 in the new paper. It shows an internal mold of the gastropod Prosolarium from the Sheinwoodian stage of the middle Silurian. (The scale bar is one centimeter.) It was collected from Ninase Cliff on Saaremaa Island, Estonia. The preservation process started with the death of the snail and filling of its shell with muddy sediment. A very small soft-bodied organism then tunneled its way into the shell and began to work through the internal sediment like a modern earthworm, digesting the mud and extracting organic material from it. It left in its path a set of tunnels filled with the processed sediment. The trick with Arachnostega is that this trace maker fed at the boundary between the shell and sediment, always keeping in contact with the shell’s internal surface. This burrow system was exposed much later when the infilling sediment cemented up and the snail shell dissolved away, producing an internal mold of the shell with branching tunnels of Arachnostega on its outer surface. The shell was made of the carbonate mineral aragonite, which easily dissolved after burial.

This image above is of Arachnostega burrows (marked “Ar”) in an internal mold of the brachiopod Estonirhynchia estonica, again from the Sheinwoodian of Saaremaa Island, this time from the Paramaja Coast. (Scale bar is one millimeter.) Again we see the web of burrows that were formed inside the shell against its inner surface. This time, though, the shell is made of calcite, a carbonate mineral that does not dissolve as easily as aragonite. Arachnostega is thus exposed only when the brachiopod shell is broken away. You can see remnants of the shell in the lower part of the image.

Bertling (1992) came up with the ichnogenus name Arachnostega by combining the Greek terms arachne (spider) and stega (roof, cave). Makes sense for a trace fossil with a web-like appearance that was formed in a shell cavity.

Now that we have the taphonomy of Arachnostega explained, we can best describe the significance of these recent finds with the paper’s abstract —

Arachnostega gastrochaenae burrows occur in internal molds of the brachiopod Estonirhynchia estonica in the Wenlock of Saaremaa, Estonia, and in gastropod steinkerns [= internal molds] in the Wenlock of Gotland, Sweden. The trace-making worms either entered the shell through the slit between the closed brachiopod valves as juveniles, or they used the brachiopod foramen to enter the shell interior. The Arachnostega traces in closed brachiopod shells are hidden until shell fragments are removed, exposing the internal mold. Because they are hidden in complete, articulated shells, Arachnostega may be more common in the Silurian of Baltica than currently recognized, though markedly less common than in the Ordovician. The trace makers responsible for burrows in brachiopods and gastropods presumably persisted from the Ordovician to the Silurian. The rarity of Arachnostega burrows in the Silurian of Baltica as compared to that of early Late Ordovician supports the view that, at least during the early Paleozoic, Arachnostega trace makers preferred colder climates.

Finally, the above gastropod internal mold with Arachnostega was photographed a decade ago by Olev Vinn. It is from the Ordovician of Estonia and was not part of this new study. It is beautiful, though, and shows this trace fossil well. Past Wooster paleontology students may recall seeing Arachnostega in their Ordovician fossil collections. Vinn et al. (2014) is a study of Ordovician Arachnostega in Estonia.


Bertling, M. 1992. Arachnostega n. ichnog. – burrowing traces in internal moulds of boring bivalves (late Jurassic, northern Germany). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 66: 177-185.

Vinn, O., Wilson, M.A., Isakar, M. and Toom, U. 2025. Rare Arachnostega traces in brachiopod and gastropod molds from the Silurian of Gotland (Sweden) and Saaremaa (Estonia): Was tropical climate unfavorable for the trace makers? Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 313/2: 153–159. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2024/1226

Vinn, O., Wilson, M.A., Zatoń, M. and Toom, U. 2014. The trace fossil Arachnostega in the Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). Palaeontologia Electronica Article number 17.3.40A.

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New Paper on Climate Change Published By Wooster Geology Professor – Eva Lyon

Dr. Eva Lyon ((photo above on June Lake, CA) Wooster Earth Sciences Professor and Wooster Alum.) has recently published her work “A high-resolution record of Late Holocene drought in the eastern Sierra Nevada (California, USA) from June Lake carbonate geochemistry” in Quaternary Research. With the backdrop of some of the worst recent droughts being experienced in the last millennium in the American Southwest (Williams et al., 2022), Lyon and her team extends the drought history for the Sierra Nevada (Figure 1) back almost 5000 years using well-dated sediment cores from lakes (Figure 2). They used oxygen and carbon stable-isotopes rations combined with X-ray fluorescence counts of calcium and titanium to identify six intervals of past droughts.

Figure 1. (A) Regional map showing location of study area: ML, Mono Lake; SM, Stonehouse Meadow; PL, Pahranagat Lake. (B) Lakes and streams of the study area, which are found along CA State Route 158 (the June Lake Loop). Water isotope values for locations indicated by white squares (oxygen, deuterium). (C) June Lake bathymetric map. White circles indicate locations of the lake cores.

The lake record (Figure 2) that is dated using radiocarbon, reveals the dry times that include many of the famous drought in the American West including the Current Warm Period, the Medieval Climate Anomaly (about 1000 years ago, also a warm time in the West) and three pulses of drought earlier during the Late Holocene Dry Period (~3500-2000 cal yr BP).  Records like these provide a perspective to the ongoing drought in the American West. Those scientists that model hydroclimate use such well-dated records of past changes in lakes as a way of better anticipating future climate. This work is particularly important as the world moves into the greenhouse climate of the future.

Figure 2. Plot of changes in core geochemistry with time. From left to right: (A) total inorganic carbon (%TIC), sampled every 2–3 cm; (B) ratio of calcium to titanium (Ca/Ti), sampled every 1 mm; (C) oxygen isotope values in per mil (δ18Ocarb), sampled every 2–3 cm where %TIC was high enough to permit measurement; (D) carbon isotope values in per mil (δ13Ccarb), sampled every 2–3 cm where %TIC was high enough to permit measurement. Here, the six dry intervals described in the text are particularly prominent as increases in oxygen isotope values—these are denoted by horizontal yellow or red bars. The horizontal blue bars indicate the wetter intervals, including the pluvial between the two peaks of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) megadrought and the Little Ice Age (LIA) (~500–100 cal yr BP, as defined in IPCC, 2021). LHDP, Late Holocene Dry Period.

Lyon EC, Erhardt AM, Streib LC, Zimmerman SRH, McGlue MM. A high-resolution record of Late Holocene drought in the eastern Sierra Nevada (California, USA) from June Lake carbonate geochemistry. Quaternary Research. Published online 2025:1-15. doi:10.1017/qua.2024.38.

WilliamsA.P.CookB.I.SmerdonJ.E.2022Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021Nature Climate Change 12232234.

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Rittman Lake and the Overrunning Sequence

The group posing in front of some generations of draglines at the Zollinger Pit in Rittman. Many thanks to the operators for giving us permission to spend a spectacular afternoon at the site.

Figure 1. Map showing some the the local topographic features. A lake resided in the valley prior to the Laurentide ice advance into the basin. The lake at some point drained down the Killbuck Spillway to the west.


Figure 2. This stylized sedimentary sequence from T.V. Lowell provides a framework for the site. Preglacial lacustrine setting overrun by the ice sheet.

Figure 3. The base of the sequence is a series of varve-like sediments consisting of silt-clay couplets. The group determined that is this high sediment charged environment these were likely not annual but diurnal (daily).

Figure 4. The swallows build their nest into the silt and this sequence overall is coarsening upward. Note the vertical downcutting along the boundaries of joint in this unconsolidated sediment pile.

Figure 5.  An introspective moment reflecting on the environment at the bottom of a proglacial lake just prior to advance of the Laurentide ice sheet into the basin.


Figure 6. The group working our the direction of the paleocurrent based on a series of climbing ripples with clay drapes – could they be daily couplets?

Figure 7. This facies model is a good conceptual cartoon of the setting.

Figure 8. A rare moment when the entire class was working. The upper unit record the glacial tills recording the ice advance and retreat from the site.

Figure 10. As the ice advanced and thickened over the site it smear the sediments into a deformation till, and as the ice thickened and effective normal stress increased the till was lodged onto the sediment pile.

Figure 11. The lodgement till at the top of the sequence, which, in turn, is capped by a melt-out till. The class was able to determine the ice was not absent from the site.

Figure 12. The melt-out till showing fluid escape structures and ball and pillow structures indicating loading and melt out.


Figure 13. Closeups of the ball and pillow structures.

Figure 14. Dropstone were evident and here we see a dropstone made of a stone and a till clast. This indicates icebergs in the lake dumping sediments into the lake.

Figure 15. A portion of the class spent much of the time mining gypsum crystals. The presence of gypsum crystals at the pit indicate a desert environment? We explained the gypsum as a case of saturated groundwater and, of course, kinetics.

Figure 16. Some healthy skepticism about the site and the origin of the sediments.


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A Delta in the Little Killbuck Valley (Wooster Memorial Park)

The Geomorphology (GEOM24) class posing along the Little Killbuck River Valley. Looming in the background is the delta built into Lake Killbuck during immediate post-glacial times about 14,000 years ago. The sediments are so well exposed, in part, due to some recent illegal hydraulic mining  for sand and gravel.

Figure 1. Two versions of the measured section showing the coarsening upward sequence of sediment making the Gilbert-type delta built into the paleolake. This sequence of unconsolidated sediments sits on the Mississippian siltstones and shales.

Figure 2. The shale is evident to the left of the class members. Clays, silts and colluvium marks the flooding of the valley and the beginning of the bottomset beds in the delta.

Figure 3. The foreset beds are composed to silt and sands with frequent clays and deformation reflecting changes in water levels and the high rates of sedimentation and slumping.

Figure 4. A “flow roll” of a mix of foreset sands and lacustrine clays likely deformed through slumping along the delta front. Note the liesegang rings in these likely 14,000 year old sediments.

Figure 5. A somewhat enigmatic fracture clay layer is likely due to a ephemeral increase in lake level, or a change in the delta depocenter. There was some discussion of a ice readvance, however, this is unlikely.

Figure 6. Front lower left to upper right – the photo captures the disconformity at the bottom, the foresets to the upper right and the cut and fill structures of the topsets. The diagram below summarizes the overall structure of the delta.

Thanks for Nick Wiesenberg for helping with logistics in all the Geomorphology fieldtrips this past semester and for digging many holes.


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Geomorphology (GEOM24) – Soils on the Golf Course

The group gearing up to describe and map soils in the old growth stand just east of the College Golf Course.

Guest bloggers: Lynnsey, Cate, Evie, Chanel, Lilly and Amanda


Figure 1. Diagram showing the formation of the glacial landform that the Wooster soils is formed on – it is a kame terrace with parent material of sand and gravel with a venerr of loess.

Figure 2 – the College golf course soils – they are mapped as the Wooster – Riddle silt loam and they are photogenic – the A horizon is on the right, B in the middle and on the left is the C horizon (partially weathered parent material).

Figure 3. the stars on this ternary diagram are the A (orange star), B (red) and C (blue star).

Geochemistry of the soils (Figure 4):

  • In the A horizon: Calcium and Phosphorus build up from fertilizers used applied to the nearby golf course 
  • Sodium likely from road salt
  • Barium, Cobalt, Sulfur, Manganese and Lead from past coal burning in the former campus coal plant t
  • In B horizon: Translocated Aluminum and Iron  

Figure 5. Describing the soil in the pit and taking measurements of magnetic susceptibility.

Figure 6. The coring team described a transect of soils cores along the kame terrace.

Figure 7. A representative soils core described and keyed into the soil pit via mapping.

Figure 8. As it turns out there are old growth forest (this white oak is over 300 years old) this indicates  that the soils were were examining have not been plowed.

Figure 9. An example of the relatively newly-invasive asian jumping worm. This critter is non-burrowing and has the behavior of a snake as much as an earthworm. It quickly east leaf litter and does not mixed the soils as a result the surface of the soils in this forest now consists of a mantle of worm castings. Note in the scenes above there is very little undergrowth.


Figure 10. Somehow Cate found a golf ball and a club and finished the day on the 7th fairway.

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Geomorphology (GEM24) Part 3 – Browns Lake for Soils

Guest bloggers: Grace, Hayden, Vince and Ethan

The group working with soils at Browns Lake Bog Preserve. The goal was the dig three soils pits and examine the soil catena from the top of a kame to the base controlling for the topographic control on soil’s texture, structure and composition.

Figure 1. A nearby kame (hill of sand and gravel of glacial origin) within the kame and kettle topography of the region.

Figure 2. The kame and kettle topography of the Browns Lake site the kame in the middle of the image was the location of the soils transect. We chose the north-facing side of the kame as the southern faces are strongly bioturbated by groundhogs (aka whistle pigs) and other varmints.

Figure 3. Soils pit at the apex of the kame showing the loess cap on the kame sand and gravel is the parent material.


Figure 4. At mid slope a highly trained team eagerly digs a pit in the kame.

Figure 5. Team 2 somewhat further downs slope taking careful observations.

Figure 6. At the based of the kame the team noted an onlapping sequence of detrital peat, which changed the parent material and suggested that the water levels in the bog have been variable.


Figure 7. The dendro team cores trees on the flats to get an idea of the age of the substrate.


Figure 8. More tree ages.


Figure 9. Nick downloaded a pressure transducer installed in a well in the bog. These data show a full three years of hourly data that includes water levels (black line) and the water temperature records (blue line).

The team looking a bit skeptical about the idea of a soil catena, a healthy does of critical thinking.

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