Creating a Hydrological Profile of Northern Shreve, Ohio, Through Groundwater Well Analysis — The Independent Study project of Ryan Sullivan (’23)

Editor’s Note: Independent Study (IS) at The College of Wooster is a three-course series required of every student before graduation. Earth Sciences students typically begin in the second semester of their junior years with project identification, literature review, and a thesis essentially setting out the hypotheses and parameters of the work. Most students do fieldwork or lab work to collect data, and then spend their senior years finishing extensive Senior I.S. theses. Ryan Sullivan was advised by Mark Wilson (me!). The following is his thesis abstract —

In this study I created a hydrological and geological profile across a series of private groundwater wells in Shreve, Ohio. I started by making a cross section of this area through well log data. I discovered that this consists of alternating layers of shale and sandstone, as well as varying depths of glacial deposits. These changes in sediment and bedrock allow for a distinct groundwater flow, as well as different extraction rates. By analyzing the topography of the greater Shreve area, I also identified the drainage basin for this aquifer and potential sources of surface water and groundwater interactions. To assess water quality, I sampled two private wells located above this aquifer, testing for major trace elements. I found that the water utilized by these residents of Shreve is mostly free of contamination; however, there is eight to nine times the accepted maximum concentration limit of thallium. Long-term exposure to excess thallium can result in adverse health effects, so I present possible mitigation strategies, as well as a new potential well site that could be utilized to maximize groundwater extraction while minimizing contamination levels.

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Trace Fossils in the Middle Jurassic Carmel Formation of Southwestern Utah — The Independent Study project of Shipei (Vicky) Wang (’23)

Editor’s Note: Independent Study (IS) at The College of Wooster is a three-course series required of every student before graduation. Earth Sciences students typically begin in the second semester of their junior years with project identification, literature review, and a thesis essentially setting out the hypotheses and parameters of the work. Most students do fieldwork or lab work to collect data, and then spend their senior years finishing extensive Senior I.S. theses. Shipei (Vicky) Wang was advised by Mark Wilson (me!) and was on Team Utah 2022. The following is her thesis abstract —

My research is about the invertebrate trace fossils in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) Carmel Formation of southwestern Utah. In this study, I focus on three types of trace fossils, Gyrochorte Heer, Lockeia James, and Lingulichnus Hakes, 1976. In De Gibert and Ekdale’s (1999) research, the trace fossils they found in the Carmel of central Utah represent an environmentally-stressed benthic community in a marginal marine, restricted setting, with salinities above normal marine and with depletion of oxygen in pore waters. Our study site is in southwest Utah, which was more marginalized and restricted than that of De Gibert and Ekdale (1999) in the Bajocian. My hypothesis is that our trace fossils will have a similar restricted trend with what De Gibert and Ekdale (1999) found in central Utah but show more characteristics related to marginalized and restricted marine settings (such as lower diversity and smaller sizes). In my study, the width of Gyrochorte fossils do not have a significant difference from what De Gibert and Ekdale (1999) found in central Utah. Besides that, the trace fossils we found in the Bajocian of southwest Utah have less diversity. My results did not show characteristics related to more marginalized and restricted marine settings.

Lingulichnus in bedding plane view. (See this blog post for details.)

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A new paper on crinoids from the Wooster Shale (Lower Carboniferous, Tournaisian) of northeastern Ohio

My wonderful Ohio State colleague Bill Ausich and I have a new paper in the Journal of Paleontology. It just appeared this morning online. It is Open Access, but let me know if you want a pdf and can’t get it through this link. Here is the title and abstract:

Crinoids from the Wooster Shale Member of the Cuyahoga Formation,
Carboniferous (Mississippian, Tournaisian) of northeastern Ohio

Abstract.—Nine crinoids are described from the Wooster Shale Member of the Cuyahoga Formation from Wayne and Ashland counties, Ohio, USA. Identifiable elements of the fauna include five camerate crinoids, one flexible crinoid, and three other eucladid crinoids. Five new species are described, including Cactocrinus woosterensis n. sp., Cusacrinus brushi n. sp., Agaricocrinus murphyi n. sp., Decadocrinus laevis n. sp., and Decadocrinus inordinatus n. sp. Overall, the distribution of crinoid clades in the Wooster Shale is similar to that of the stratigraphically lower Meadville Shale Member of the Cuyahoga Formation, although less diverse and with only one species (Cyathocrinites simplex) in common. Many of the Wooster Shale Member crinoids are completely or partially preserved with siderite either in nodules or within siderite beds. These crinoids are commonly preserved in trauma postures, which is characteristic of burial in episodic high turbulence events. The paleoenvironments and taxa of the two Cuyahoga Formation crinoid faunas more closely resemble Viséan faunas in siliciclastic settings than typical carbonate faunas of the Tournaisian.

The long and narrow image at the top of this post is the new species Cactocrinus woosterensis, named after The College of Wooster for its long support of paleontology research. The scale bar is 5.0 mm.

This is the new species Cusacrinus brushi, named in honor of Dr. Nigel Brush, a friend and colleague from Ashland University and now with a visiting position at Wooster. He also helped greatly in the field work for this study. The scale bar here is 10 mm. Note the specimen is replaced with the iron carbonate mineral siderite. Generations of Wooster geology students will recognize these reddish rocks from local outcrops.

What a delightful project this was! As always, I learn a great deal from my colleagues with these investigations.

[Later addition: Check out the blog post on the Journal of Paleontology site.]


Ausich, W.I. and Wilson, M.A. 2023. Crinoids from the Wooster Shale Member of the Cuyahoga Formation, Carboniferous (Mississippian, Tournaisian) of northeastern Ohio. Journal of Paleontology (online).

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An IS student gathering at the end of a busy school year

This afternoon Gloria and I hosted my Junior and Senior Independent Study students for a dessert reception in our home. We haven’t done this since 2019, and it is the first time we joined the juniors and seniors. It was so much fun. I am enormously proud of these young people, and honored to be their advisor.

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Wooster Junior Independent Study students shine with their project poster presentations

The College of Wooster has a required Independent Study system for all students, and it is a marvelous program. Each student, usually in the spring semester of their junior year, signs up for the Junior Independent Study course. It is taught as a tutorial in the Earth Sciences department, so each student chooses an advisor and a project that will likely form the basis of their later Senior Independent Study thesis project. It is a delight to see our students starting their research lives with independence, curiosity and enthusiasm.

Today the juniors presented posters on their work to date. Nick Wiesenberg, our ace geological technician, took these photos in Scovel Hall. We didn’t get everyone, but you can get a good impression of the events.

Garrett is here presenting his poster on sponge spicules in Brown’s Lake cores. He is going to see if these sponges can serve as proxies for environmental changes associated with European settlement.

Natalie is working on a joint anthropology/environmental geoscience investigation of Lake Erie and the various stakeholder communities involved with it environmental protection and conservation.

Athena, another double major with Anthropology and a self-designed major, is studying climate change in the Arctic and its environmental and geopolitical effects on stakeholder communities.

Mike is studying conflict minerals, especially in Africa.

Van is doing paleoseismology in the Caribbean associated with a summer internship he recently earned.

Corey is looking at the origins and properties of the mud used on baseballs in major league games.

Jameson, a double major with Chemistry and environmental geoscience, is studying the distribution of PFAS pollutants in rainwater.

Jimmy (in the gray shirt) is investigating drainage and tile systems on an Ohio farm.

Good luck to these intrepid Juniors as they pursue their research dreams!

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Fossil of the Week: A thoroughly bored bivalve from Florida

The Fossil of the Week series is no longer weekly, and the gnarly specimen above is not actually a fossil, but the brand is so embedded in this blog that I’m still using it for occasional contributions.

Like the specimen posted last week, the above holey shell is a gift from my friend Al Curran, an emeritus professor at Smith College, He collected it on Anastasia Island, Florida, at the Matanzas Inlet. This location has very strong tidal exchanges and a mix of shells from the inter-coastal waterway and the open Atlantic Ocean.

The calcareous shell is from a bivalve, probably the common Mercenaria merenaria. The network of holes are borings of clionaid sponges, producing the trace fossil Entobia. This surviving remnant of this bivalve shell shows the incredible destructive power of bioerosion. The missing carbonate has been converted to microscopic chips, contributing to muddy carbonate sediments along the Florida coastline.

The wonderfully complex interior of these clionaid sponge borings.

Thanks again to Al Curran!

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Fossils of the Week: An encrusted and bored oyster from Florida

The Fossil of the Week series is no longer weekly, and the beautiful specimen above is not actually a fossil, but the brand is so embedded in this blog that I’m going to use it!

My friend Al Curran, an emeritus professor at Smith College, sent me this specimen he collected on Anastasia Island, Florida, at the Matanzas Inlet. This location has very strong tidal exchanges and a mix of shells from the inter-coastal waterway and the open Atlantic Ocean. The shell is from an oyster that most likely lived in the inlet, and the brown-orange encruster is a cheilostome bryozoan from the ocean proper. The abundant holes are borings of clionaid sponges, also fully marine in origin.

The underside of the oyster shows more of the bryozoan. It is heavily eroded, showing the sequential layers of its growth. Inside the cavity is a thin encrusting tube from a serpulid worm. These worm tubes are often found in cavities like this because they prefer cryptic spaces.

These are among my favorite types of organisms in the fossil record and the Recent. They are sclerobionts — organisms that live in or on hard substrates.

Thanks for this fun little community, Al. It is now part of Wooster’s paleoecology collections!

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A new paper on the Middle Jurassic paleoecology of southern Israel

I am delighted to announce that a new paper has appeared in the journal Lethaia on Middle Jurassic paleoecology in southern Israel. The senior author is Yael Leshno Afriat, and it was part of her PhD dissertation at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. It is magnificent work, and I’m proud to have had a role in it. I spent thirteen delightful field seasons in Israel, and one of my dreams was that an Israeli graduate student would take on the diverse and complex fossil communities in the Middle Jurassic of the Negev. Yael did just that, completing her PhD last year and now publishing a major part of her dissertation. Beow are some excerpts.

Abstract— Middle Jurassic reefs are known and studied from a wide range of palaeolatitudes, yet southern Tethyan reefs have been relatively understudied. The high abundance of stromatoporoids in southern Tethyan reefs was suggested to indicate a tolerance to oligotrophic and overheated waters. Recent studies affirmed the longtime hypothesis of a warm equable climate in low palaeolatitudes during the Jurassic, which could account for the documented low diversities of low-latitudinal coral reefs during this time interval. We present a case study showing possible evidence for the suggested connection between heat stress, low coral diversity and the success of stromatoporoids in the southern Tethys. The study focuses on the unique erosional depression of Makhtesh Gadol, southern Israel, which preserves a continuous section of the Callovian (Middle Jurassic). It is rich in fossils of benthic macrofauna, especially patch reefs of corals and stromatoporoids. Our quantitative analysis shows for the first time: (1) a variation between a low- and high-diversity of coral patch reefs; and (2) a major shift from coral-dominated patch reefs in the lower part of the section to dominating stromatoporoids in the upper part. The faunal assemblage is used to reconstruct the depositional environment, indicating a shallowing upwards and increasing warmer waters. Patch reef beds showing low coral diversity are correlated with isotopic reconstructions from the same section, providing evidence for elevated water temperatures. The faunal transition from corals to stromatoporoids is correlated with a similar shift in Saudi Arabia, improving the regional correlation to the Arabian Carbonate Platform.

The two Yaels in the field. Yael Edelman-Furstenberg, Yael Leshno Afriat’s primary advisor, is on the left and Yael Leshno Ariat is on the right (along with my intruding shadow). We are standing at GPS location 055, where fossils from Subunit 51 of the Matmor Formation are abundant. Student Yael is presently surveying the Middle Jurassic sections in Makhtesh Gadol to find suitable places to do stratigraphic fossil collecting and quadrat measurements.

From Figure 1 of the paper: A, palaeogeography and sedimentology of the Arabian Platform in the Callovian (Middle Jurassic) showing Israel on the southeastern margin of the Tethys close to the palaeo-equator and a satellite view of Makhtesh Gadol.

From Figure 7 of the paper: Some characteristic corals. 1, Enallocoenia; GSI 3711. 2, Adelocoenia; GSI 3701. 3, Coral genus 10, a-c- lateral view; GSI 3709.

From Figure 7 of the paper: Some characteristic sponges. 6, stromatoporoids, a- aggregation of branching stromatoporoids in subunit 60-61, b- longitudinal thin section (subunit 60-61), c- branching stromatoporoid (subunit 60-61); GSI 3721. 7, longitudinal section of a massive stromatoporoid; GSI 3719. 8, terminal end of bulbous stromatoporoid; GSI 3718. 9, bulbous stromatoporoid surface with visible astrorhizae; GSI 3720.

Senior author Yael Leshno beginning her fieldwork in Makhtesh Gadol in 2014. Since then she got married, had two children, and finished her dissertation!

For me this paper represents the culmination of my fieldwork in Israel. I’m not sure when I will be able to return. I have wonderful memories of work there with adventurous Wooster students, Yoav Avni of the Geological Survey of Israel, and Yael, all of which is documented in this blog.


Leshno Afriat, Y., Lathuilière, B., Wilson, M.A., Rabinovich, R. and Edelman-Furstenberg, Y. 2023. Transition from coral to stromatoporoid patch reefs in Middle Jurassic equatorial warm waters. Lethaia, v. 56 (

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Review paper on the fossil record of symbiotic organisms in bryozoans has just been published

Olev Vinn, Andrej Ernst, and I have been working for years on various case studies of symbiotic endobionts (organisms that live within the skeletons of others) in the fossil record. This week our data-rich review paper has been published in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Olev led us through the complex literature to produce this compendium and analysis. It contains some of my favorite concepts, like boring, bioclaustration and the Ordovician Bioerosion Revolution. Here is the abstract:

Trepostome bryozoans, with their thick calcitic skeletons, formed the largest number of symbiotic associations with endobionts in the Phanerozoic. Such associations were also formed by cystoporates, fenestrates, cyclostomes and cheilostomes. Bryozoans formed most of their symbiotic associations with endobiotic cnidarians, and markedly fewer with endobiotic worms and endobiotic lophophorates. The majority of Ordovician endobionts colonized borings in living bryozoans, or bored themselves into living hosts, during the Ordovician Bioerosion Revolution, which created new niches for the evolution of symbiotic relationships. The bryozoans likely became more selective and less symbiont-tolerant over the time. Assumed mutualistic endobionts were more common than likely parasites in Phanerozoic bryozoans. The decrease in diversity of parasitic associations and the increase in the number of mutualistic associations from the Ordovician to Devonian can be explained by the evolution of possible bryozoan defense mechanisms likely in the form of chemical secretions. Paleozoic endobiont faunas were more diverse than their Mesozoic and Cenozoic counterparts because of endobiont-friendly Paleozoic trepostomes, and because of the peak in diversity of bryozoans with massive colonies in the early and middle Paleozoic.

Bryozoans are excellent subjects for the study of symbiosis over time because they usually have thick skeletons of stable calcite that record many of the critters that lived on and in their colonies. This is especially true in the Paleozoic. Within the Paleozoic the Ordovician had by far the most recorded symbiotic relationships, which is not surprising considering the abundance of bryozoans then.

Caption for the top image, which is from Figure 4 of the paper: Ordovician symbiotic endobionts. A, Sanctum laurentiensis in Batostoma? sp. with opening at the typical bifurcation point from the Decorah Formation (Ordovician: Mohawkian) of Minnesota (modified from Erickson, 2020). B, Anoigmaichnus zapalskii in Mesotrypa expressa from Kullaaru ditch, Oandu Stage (Katian) northern Estonia (GIT 770–39). C, Kuckerichnus kirsimaei in Diplotrypa sp. from Kohtal-Järve, Kukruse Stage (Sandbian), northern Estonia (TUG 72–826-2). D, Bioclaustration in Orbiramus sp. from the Fenhsiang Formation (Tremadocian), China (Modified from Ma et al., 2020, Fig. 7B).

This was a very satisfying project because it summarizes two decades of our work and, of course, that of many others. It is also, by the way, a product of the recent pandemic. We all spent far more time than usual writing in our offices and labs during 2020-2022. This is why I’m posting an unusual number of new papers during the first few months of 2023.


Vinn, O., Wilson, M.A. and Ernst, A. 2023. Macroscopic symbiotic endobionts in Phanerozoic bryozoans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 615: 111453.

[Click the link for a free pdf for the next 50 days; after that you can ask me for a copy.]

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A new paper on symbiosis between brachiopods and bryozoans in the Late Ordovician of Estonia

I’m pleased to announce another paper has appeared from our ongoing Estonian-German-American collaboration on symbiosis in the fossil record. The beautiful specimen above is the trepostome bryozoan Esthoniopora subsphaerica growing around a bioclaustration, forming a distinctive tube (Katian, Rakvere, northern Estonia; TUG 1824-8). Some alert Wooster students and alumni will remember similar features in trepostome bryozoans from the Cincinnatian in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.

The abstract —

Valves of the strophomenid brachiopod Sowerbyella tenera are often encrusted by trepostome bryozoan colonies in the lower Katian of Estonia. In some cases, the encrustation of Sowerbyella likely took place syn vivo. A single Sowerbyella tenera contains three Palaeosabella prisca borings that were bored post mortem into the interface between the encrusting trepostome colony and the ventral valve of Sowerbyella. The encrusting trepostome colonies contain a large bioclaustration in a tubular outgrowth of the bryozoan colony, Anoigmaichnus-like bioclaustrations, Kuckerichnus-like bioclaustrations, A. zapalskii, A. bretti, and a symbiotic conulariid. The bioclaustrated soft-bodied organisms and the conulariid colonized living bryozoans.

It is a pleasure as always to work with this happy team led by the indefatigable Olev Vinn of the University of Tartu, Estonia.


Vinn. O., Ernst, A., Wilson, M.A., Tinn, O., Isakar, M. and Toom, U. 2023. Symbiosis in brachiopods and brachiopod-attached trepostome bryozoans from the Katian of Estonia. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 307/1: 41-50.

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