Sorry to have kept you waiting so long for the ending of the PA diabase field trip. Last Friday, we spent a wonderful day in the field with a group from the PA State Geological Survey.

Dr. LeeAnn Srogi was an excellent host. Here she is describing the orientation of the Morgantown Sheet on the geologic map.

The PA geologists had the opportunity to examine the plagioclase layers and cross-cutting dark channels up close.

They even had a chance to see the big saw in action. (The PA Granite quarry guys are so good to us).

After a good laugh (oh, those geologists and their humor!) and a nice lunch in a local park, we headed to the Dyer quarry.

Here we're discussing the fault patterns in the Dyer quarry. The wonderful thing about being in the field with a dozen other geologists is that the discussions are invigorating. We are so fortunate that these professionals took the time to visit our field area and add their observations and ideas to our own.
After a week in the field, I have a notebook full of observations, a head full of ideas, and a trunk full of samples! Sounds like a good week to me.
And it sounds like a very good week to me, too. Love that giant saw — and the great weather you had!
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When is Wooster getting one of those saws?
love u sis